Photo canvas frame sizes and file requirements

Wood frame sizes

The minimum size for the canvas frame is 300 x 300 mm.
The maximum length of the shorter side of the photo on canvas is 1400 mm; the length may be up to a few metres.
Side lengths are up to 1m in increments of 1 cm. Covings greater than 1 m in length are in increments of 5 cm.

Requirements for files

When printing on canvas the recommended resolution of the picture file is 300dpi, with 100 being the minimum.

In order to mount the canvas onto a wooden frame, a bleed of 45 mm along the edges is required.
Since a canvas photo that is mounted onto a frame will continue onto the sides of the frame, and the canvas is attached to the rear of the frame, it is necessary to leave a sufficient amount of extra room to turn the canvas to allow for wrapping so that the sides will look decent and the canvas will remain mounted on the frame for a long time.

However, if it turns out there is insufficient extra room, it is possible to mirror the picture or make the edges the same colour as the picture’s background.