Training and conference materials

If you are organising a conference or carrying out training, it is important to hand out high quality materials to participants. At only a small additional cost it is possible to replace simply copied and stapled sheets with printed material that looks good and offers much greater ease of use.

We print required materials in different formats and in the precisely desired quantities. Printed material handed out to participants can also be personalised.
Above all, we recommend wire comb binding and plastic comb binding be used to bind training materials. If pages need to be added during training lever archiving files and ring binders are suitable. In addition, we offer soft cover adhesive binding and saddle stitching.

See also: diplomas, document covers, neck ID cards, invitations, binding, nametags, personalisation, roll-up displays


Eerik Överus

Eerik Överus

sales consultant
5662 9007

Birgit Karras

Birgit Karras

sales consultant
681 6454